daily activity during covid-19
halo everybody!!!. almost 3 month ah covid-19 alive in Indonesia. oh ya you know ah... this virus actually first case in Wuhan, China. This virus has been spread around the world in January 2020. And the first case covid-19 in Indonesia happened in early march. My first reaction covid-19 in Indonesia is like this
I' am still thinking "aiya dont need to worry la", only two case covid-19 in Indonesia. In this situation i'am in Yogyakarta. the days and the days are moving to forward. And you know what? this virus in Indonesia has been spread rapid & massive. walao... suddenly my hearth shock ah.
okay this virus is not jocking. The gahment ( goverment) announch to the people of Indonesia. okay after that, we are already obey what the gahment said. Some activity i usually do like hangout to coffee shop, mall, food court, & etc i'am not doing that again. Fortunately before during covid-19 hype, every month i stock hand sanitizer . So i dont need to buy another hand sanitizer la....But some reason i must stock fask mask like this...
my friends and me are trying find this one. We had already around-around to find this. And all the pharmacy shoopkeeper said " hmm sorry a, our fask mask stock had already run out". Suddenly i talk from inside of my heart " wah broo dont kidding to us la....". The next day i got informaton if K24 Pharmacy has alot stock of face mask, with requisite i must download apps K24 from my android. and finally i got this one, thank u K24 .
The case of covid-19 in Indonesia has achieved 1000. Because the people in java island is soo massive, and i thnik the right choose, i must back to my hometown. the day after tomorrow. i fly to Palembang city. After arrive in this town i feel safe bruuuh!. but , social distancing i'am still doing that. to fill my day in here i do some activity like memorizing all my environmental engineering knowledge, exercising psikotest test for preparing to find job, yess because i'am fresh gradute now that mean i'am jobless :')))), learning mandarin HSK4 level, and playing PointBlank.
My bestfriends from Senior Hight School invite me to play again PointBlank game. Okay i follow them. and suddenly we become online troopers like this
This will be our best activity between my frinds and i, playing this game not only just playing. the best thing is we do comunicate often and feel dont like seem social distancing.
just do best activity bruh during this situation and keep happy and healthy
pb cacat